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Boards zur Seite => News => Newsarchiv => Thema gestartet von: Kamaze am 2006-08-11, 12:28:05
Da es hier wohl etwas eingeschlafen ist,... :P
Warzone 2.0.4 release candidate 1 has been made available today.
This is a release candidate, not a final version!
It means that this is very close to what the final 2.0.4 release will be, but we want our users to test and give comments before releasing a final version, so we can fix critical bugs.
You can find links to the Windows and Linux installer as well as the sourcode on our downloads page (
The most interesting changes are probably:
* Warzone uses a stronger and faster version of the original 1.10 AI (and builds oil derricks now)
* 16bpp mode "supported" (basic playing possible, graphics glitches may occur, eg. missing progressbars)
* Fix crash when not properly creating the write dir on Windows
* Fix crash when using uppercase savegame names on Linux
* Several security fixes
More changes can be found in the ChangeLog (
Gruß, Kamaze
Danke sehr!
ps: Dann änder doch was dran, dass es eingeschlafen ist ;)