WarZone 2100 General News : Welcome to -!
Posted by lav_coyote25 on 2006/1/29 5:15:31 (0 reads)
Dear user,
This is just a notice that wztoys has reopened at We haven't been able to get the domain working again. But, for now, just point your browsers to!
coppercore and lav_coyote25
There was a email sent out to all those that had registered with this site previously. Many attempts at bringing the old database and merging with the new turned out to be a study in futility. even entering everything by hand ( note: passwords wouldnt make the trip due to whatever the encription thingy used)... would have driven even a sane person madd. So here we are - and what do you think of the updated site... not all things are here yet... still in the midst of moving and register and have a read - participate in the forums and please if you have suggestions let us know...
kim(lav_coyote25)metcalfe and Coppercore