Da es hier wohl etwas eingeschlafen ist,...

Warzone 2.0.4 release candidate 1 has been made available today.
This is a release candidate, not a final version!
It means that this is very close to what the final 2.0.4 release will be, but we want our users to test and give comments before releasing a final version, so we can fix critical bugs.
You can find links to the Windows and Linux installer as well as the sourcode on our downloads page.
The most interesting changes are probably:
* Warzone uses a stronger and faster version of the original 1.10 AI (and builds oil derricks now)
* 16bpp mode "supported" (basic playing possible, graphics glitches may occur, eg. missing progressbars)
* Fix crash when not properly creating the write dir on Windows
* Fix crash when using uppercase savegame names on Linux
* Several security fixes
More changes can be found in the ChangeLog.
Ankündigung: http://wz.rootzilla.de/site/
Gruß, Kamaze