Autor Thema: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X  (Gelesen 20189 mal)

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Offline Kreuvf

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2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« am: 2007-01-05, 15:09:25 »
Wie uns soeben bekannt wurde funktioniert die aktuelle Warzone 2100-Version 2.0.5, die an Weihnachten veröffentlicht wurde, nicht mehr auf den Windows-Plattformen der 9x-Reihe.

Folgend Meldungen erscheinen, wenn man dennoch versucht die 2.0.5er zu spielen:
Die Datei WARZONE2100.EXE ist verknüpft mit dem fehlenden Export-SHELL32.DLL:SHGetFolderPathA.

Ein an das System angeschlossenes Gerät funktioniert nicht.
Derzeit ist unbekannt, ob der Support für die Win9X-Reihe in Zukunft wieder aufgenommen wird.
Zitat von: #warzone@freenode
<Kreuvf> so there is good chance that with next version - perhaps - there will be win9x-support (again)?
<Watermelon2> dunno,I think that 'winNT requirements' has something to do with physfs
Hoffen wir, dass der Support nicht eingestellt wird, da ich ansonsten kein WZ-Source mehr spielen kann.
« Letzte Änderung: 2007-01-05, 15:11:51 von Kreuvf »
Bei Problemen immer WZ-Version, Betriebssystem, Prozessor + Architektur, Treiberversionen der Grafiktreiber und Grafikkarte angeben. RAM und Mainboard dürften selten wichtig sein.
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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #1 am: 2007-01-05, 16:57:41 »
Das finde ich skandalös.
Hauptsache neue Features programmieren, aber die kompatibilität bleibt dabei auf der Strecke :(

Offline lav_coyote25

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #2 am: 2007-01-07, 04:10:19 »
relax.... nothing is dropped.  i believe that before shots being fired one should always talk things out to ensure that there is NO misunderstandings and asking those that are new to the project is like asking a submariner about an army tent....:)

is there any way that all this news can be placed into english as well??   i know its a paininabutt... but translating using google as translator = nonsense sentences.

see below...

This question I ask already longer and have myself thereby asked like the different groups, which work and/or worked on the SOURCE code, with being zone probably will often deal myself. Even if by the present group of developments of already the-more frequent it were assured to me that one will not change anything in the Balancing and in the Gameplay to a certain level of development is reached, then I must read nevertheless quite frequently in the so-called “official” IRC Channel of the being zone development of relatively fundamental Balancing changes. It seems to me in such a way thereby as we in five years being zone would have, which has as much similarity with the original as an apple with an egg. And I wbedauere this development very much to finally release because was converted so long fought for it the SOURCE code and seem it now as being zone piece by piece in a direction, which pleases the developers. Today e.g. I received the following changes: <Watermelon2> i larva them [VTOLs] of easier ton hit because the AA weapons acres too weaks… <Watermelon2> esp early ones Text in angular clammy one is an addition of me. To explain over briefly for which it therein went: In a change of the hit system of being zone, which so far already determines when firing the weapon whether a projectile hits the target or not, to a system, which is based on collision inquiries gave it probably problems with VTOLs, since this any longer well enough are not met. One knows: Although the air defense projectiles do not meet the VTOLs in motion, wars these nevertheless life energy taken off (“old” system). Naturally the meeting of VTOLs with non-homing projectiles is as good in the new system as pure coincidence. But why then at all only such a low-digging change insert? It was nevertheless already several times said that the SOURCE code was to be executed as such first times beautifully properly and released from nose, so that one receives a solid basis, in order to build further technologies into the play, which grant then again Moddern much more and above all simpler possibilities. I wanted to clarify the thing naturally immediately and Watermelon2 on it addressed: <Kreuvf> [21: 04: 43] <Watermelon2> i larva them of easier ton hit because the AA weapons acres too weaks… | A CHANGE ton the balance then, right? Watermelon2 seemed to apply me understanding for my concerns and guessed/advised to these changes again to therefore remove, from other side however got I then the following to hear. <Watermelon2> maybe you CAN remove it… seems Kreuvf has A problem with it =P <devurandom> NO, I wont…:) <Kreuvf> wave, right, watermelon ^^ <devurandom> and Kreuvf CAN cry if he wants. ;) <Kreuvf> since it' s A CHANGE ton the balancing <devurandom> and? <devurandom> DO you have any problem with that? <Kreuvf> yes […] <devurandom> It stays, I say. <devurandom> and I to the one with SVN acc. ;) Emphasis is from me. On the side I can understand this reaction and one can her evaluate as one want, because there “always” the Kreuvf, each mark is finally “rumheult”, if someone which in the Balancing changes/to change wants. On the other side I cannot understand this Ignoranz. If one already means one must a so fundamental change of balance insert, then one should try the opinion of the active Community nevertheless at least before to catch up, in order to guarantee that one changes being zone for all and not only for itself and/or an extremely small circle of acquaintances. A further aspect, which may not remain unmentioned here naturally is that the play is open SOURCE. Everyone may change this play as he/they wants. Only one should consider one thereby: Everyone has the expert's assessment in handling the necessary precautions, which are necessary for such a project, and evenly everyone cannot program or the time wants itself to take it to learn. And if one is still then in addition the only project group, which worries actively about a project and where only possible “official” or “officially” attaches, then has one evenly exactly those liberties only theoretically. And then one should put oneself gefälligst also times and make thoughts what one attaches there everywhere! The word “officially/official” is derived from latin word directly “officium” and has a meaning: “moral obligation, obligation, debt”. Those thus, which make apparently thoughtless changes in Warzone2100 (it wants) and obviously also not only in the removing about to worry which a “old hare” thinks of it, to which I can only say that such a development is condemned to death. The discussion from above continued however some more. <devurandom> Kreuvf: When incoming goods finished 2,1 you CAN go and create your oldschool mod. If it is written nicely I have NO problem of ton include it into the Main distribution… <Kreuvf> NO time for this 8 [ <devurandom> karmazilla: Agreed. :) <devurandom> Kreuvf: ME more neither. :) Emphasis of me. I am not safe me whether only by me it is felt in such a way but it seems to me here in such a way as if one wants me in any way to demonstrate, “me show that I could actually do nothing”. I know that I did not contribute the time for being zone have, which I would have gladly to the development of being zone Fitzelchen code and also not, but all this has causes, which are to remain here however unmentioned. Fact is and remains that in nothing will change since I am with my work here with content and working at full capacity. But I deviate; in the core is the thing is: Co-operation is better than animosity, there most likely everyone will agree. And it arose the already the-more frequent idea that the two in my opinion largest, existing Warzone2100-Seiten ( and together it should work. About the synergies, which such a co-operation would pull, I do not need to talk, but which it could be only for a co-operation if one were not conscious in each second that one is under resembling and may not the others as a low nature treat? Clarification I am annoyed simply at the changes of balance and I fear that such small changes in the near future more will not even emerge in the ChangeLogs, it am concealed, so that nobody can excite itself over it and one does not need to harvest a negative criticism for made changes. I admire the technical being able of all project workers and look forward each mark to new release, however it cannot be that I play then another play. Naturally I know that this post office most likely either one does not consider (see “Ignoranz” further above) or a violent reaction to release can. But I do not publish this for my own well-being or because I with possibly whom to account for wants, sowas enough other people do not make must I that also still make, no, I already, there do it, because I want the best for being zone, the best development, which best treatment and because I would like within the Community mutual respect. This Community had to bear enough hard impacts, still more bears it hardly. Comments on this article deliver (board account needs)
« Letzte Änderung: 2007-01-07, 04:19:19 von lav_coyote25 »
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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #3 am: 2007-01-07, 09:53:23 »
relax.... nothing is dropped.  i believe that before shots being fired one should always talk things out to ensure that there is NO misunderstandings and asking those that are new to the project is like asking a submariner about an army tent....:)
There is no shoot at all. In news I always try to be as exact and as neutral as possible. Perhaps you have this impression due to google-translation.

is there any way that all this news can be placed into english as well??   i know its a paininabutt... but translating using google as translator = nonsense sentences.

see below...

[... blog-article translated by google ...]
You want the blog-article to be translated? Well, since devurandom replied to this, things have changed a bit (not the article), some kind of clarification. And to be honest I currently do not have the time to do the translating.

Summary of the article:
- I dislike the balancing changes (anti-air-commander; hit-system-changes; multiple turrets) that are implemented as 'standard' for warzone and by this disable me to play an original warzone.
- If I want to play an original warzone, I would need to create a mod first. This is double-work --> first original wz is changed, then it has to be modded to be original wz again.
... some more, do not respond to this here as a discussion on this is going on in the appropriate comments-thread.
Bei Problemen immer WZ-Version, Betriebssystem, Prozessor + Architektur, Treiberversionen der Grafiktreiber und Grafikkarte angeben. RAM und Mainboard dürften selten wichtig sein.
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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #4 am: 2007-01-09, 16:02:29 »
I would like to say thanks to you lav_coyote25.
It's nice to see, that someone of the Dev Team is interested at the german warzone community.

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #5 am: 2007-01-14, 03:16:15 »
"someone"? I wouldn't say that we dislike the german community... ;)

Sorry to the non-german people, but I rather continue in german, since that is the main target of this site...

Ich denke nicht, das Coyote mit "shots being fired" meinte das jemand angegriffen wird. Es war wohl eher gemeint, das man nicht ins Blaue hinein schießen sollte, sondern, bevor man sich verrückt macht, doch erstmal darüber reden sollte.

Desweiteren, kann, wie Coyote schon gesagt hat, keine Rede davon sein, dass der Win9x "Support" eingestellt wird.
Es ist halt nur geschehen, dass ich für das Auffinden des My Documents/Eigene Dateien Ordners eine Funktion verwandt habe, die, laut MSDN library, auch auf Win98 Computern vorhanden sein soll, sofern IE5 oder höher installiert ist. Das es trotzdem Probleme geben könnte, konnte ich nicht erwarten, da ich davon ausgegangen bin, dass die MSDN library da korrekt ist.
Allerdings wäre es hilfreich, wenn jemand auch mal den Fix testen könnte. ;) ->

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #6 am: 2007-01-14, 13:13:45 »
Ja, und genau das habe ich ja nicht gemacht. Ich habe eben nicht geschrieben "Der Support für Win9X wird aber 2.0.5 eingestellt." Es ist nichts weiter als ein Tatsachenbericht, dass 2.0.5 nicht unter Win9X läuft und da ist auch nirgendswo ein Schuss in eine Farbe abgegeben.

Und wie schon geschrieben werde ich das selbstverständlich (denn es ist ja auch ein Fix für mich) auch testen, wenn ich die Zeit dazu habe.
Bei Problemen immer WZ-Version, Betriebssystem, Prozessor + Architektur, Treiberversionen der Grafiktreiber und Grafikkarte angeben. RAM und Mainboard dürften selten wichtig sein.
Kein Privatsupport, PMs werden ignoriert.

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #7 am: 2007-01-16, 05:41:52 »
Wunderbar, dass finde ich kewl, dass es diesen Fix gibt, zeigt einmal mehr, dass wir den auch hosten sollten, und vor allem, dass wir Downloads auf eine Art hosten sollten, so dass wir sowas dann zum 2.0.5er Download als Kommentar schreiben könnten.

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #8 am: 2007-01-16, 12:05:48 »
Wunderbar, dass finde ich kewl, dass es diesen Fix gibt, zeigt einmal mehr, dass wir den auch hosten sollten, und vor allem, dass wir Downloads auf eine Art hosten sollten, so dass wir sowas dann zum 2.0.5er Download als Kommentar schreiben könnten.
Dieser "Fix" ist nichts weiter als ein snapshot aus dem aktuellen 2.0er branch, der, wider erwarten, doch noch fortgesetzt wird.
Ich arbeite grade (im Moment grad Pause, weil Klausuren) auf ein 2.0.6 hin, das diesmal wirklich ein reines BugFix-Release wird.
Details nachzulesen hier:

Wenn ihr diese exe hosten wollt, bitte...
Dann vergesst aber bitte nicht zu sagen wo der her kommt, nicht das wieder was vom Himmel fällt. ;)

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #9 am: 2007-01-16, 14:25:21 »
Jaja, ihr sollt (einen) Link(s) bekommen, damit euer Google Ranking steigt ;)

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #10 am: 2007-01-16, 17:42:35 »
Darum ging's eigentlich nur nebensächlich...
Hauptkritikpunkt war, dass es so aussah, als bestünde kein Interesse an der englischsprachigen Entwicklergemeinde.

Ne, mal im Ernst:
Wir haben uns eigentlich mehr über unsere eigenen verstaubten Moralvorstellungen geärgert, da wir bis heute der Meinung waren, dass man, wenn man etwas von jemandem kopiert, auch den Personen, denen man die Kopie weitergibt, sagt woher man es selbst hat.

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Re: 2.0.5 funktioniert nicht unter Windows 9X
« Antwort #11 am: 2007-01-17, 05:37:43 »
Wie gesagt, der Link wird kommen und da sein.
Wir sind durchaus dran interessiert mit euch zusammen zu arbeiten, auch wenn das augenscheinlich nicht so aussieht / aussah bis jetzt. Wir sehen ja die Weiterentwicklung des Spiels auch erstmal durchaus zu einem grossen Teil als positiv.