For reference, from previous post.
my nuclear reactor script
event nuclearReactor(every, 10)
while (playnum < multiPlayerMaxPlayers)
structure = enumStruct();
while(structure != NULLOBJECT)
structure = enumStruct();
strata's "soft" power cap, this is from the source of 1.12 build 7-1
/* Power Cap script. (C) TWZ, 2001-03
* This script assigns a "soft" limit to how much power
* the player can store in their reserves. Excess power
* gradually dissipates.
* This results in a power limit based upon how much power
* the player generates per second. It is related as follows:
* (limit) = startCap + (genRate) * capRate
* (genRate) = ((limit) - startCap) / capRate
* where genRate is the player's power generator output per second.
* See the matching VLO file for the actual values.
* */
private INT startCap, capRate;
private INT power, num;
event CapMe(every, 11)
power = playerPower(selectedPlayer);
if (power > startCap)
if (capRate > 0)
num = (power - startCap) / capRate;
setPowerLevel(power - num, selectedPlayer);
while were at it (it is public after all), look at the way the active mines are stored. this is done because of some very pesky and pervasive multiplayer issues.
/* ************************** */
/* */
/* Warzone Land Mines */
/* (c) 2002-3, Strata/TWZ */
/* */
/* ************************** */
// Static variables defined in the VLO
private FEATURESTAT Mine;
private STRUCTURESTAT BuildMine[8];
private WEAPON Explosion[8];
private WEAPON Fizzle, Blip;
private BODY Miner[2];
// Used for tweaking and debugging
private INT setRange, actRange;
private INT debug;
// Temporary script variables
private INT player;
private INT count;
private INT temp, tempp;
private BOOL NotReady;
private STRUCTURE strucMine;
private FEATURE testMine;
private DROID target;
event CheckMines(every, 10)
// Scan all active landmines. Detonate if necessary.
// Must do this to all players, for MP compatibility
player = 0;
while (player < 8)
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(1000,player);}
initGetFeature(Mine, player, selectedPlayer);
testMine = getFeature(selectedPlayer);
while (testMine != NULLOBJECT)
// Retrieve type & player info from the mine
temp = / 10;
tempp = - 10 * temp;
// The player can see their own mines only.
if (tempp > 4)
{fireWeaponAtLoc(Blip, testMine.x, testMine.y);}
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(1200,player);}
target = droidTargetInArea(player, player, (testMine.x - actRange), (testMine.y - actRange), (testMine.x + actRange), (testMine.y + actRange));
if (target != NULLOBJECT)
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(1300,player);}
// Rule 1: Only ground units may detonate land mines.
// (Also note that the mine layer borg does not "trip" them ;) )
if ((target.z < testMine.z + 96) and (target.body != Miner[0]))
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(2000+100*temp,player);}
// Make sure only a mine can go boom.
if (temp < 8)
if (target.body == Miner[1])
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(7770,player);}
// Mine Sweeper 'borg gets lucky!
fireWeaponAtObj(Fizzle, testMine);
if (debug > 0) {setPowerLevel(6660,player);}
// Anyone else, well... >B}
fireWeaponAtObj(Explosion[temp], target);
testMine = getFeature(selectedPlayer);
player = player + 1;
// Activate newly set mines when the owner is at a "safe" distance
// Again, this must be done for all players to be MP compatible
player = 0;
while (player < 8)
count = 0;
while (count < 8)
initEnumStruct(FALSE, BuildMine[count], player, player);
strucMine= enumStruct();
while (strucMine!= NULLOBJECT)
if (structureComplete(strucMine))
NotReady = droidInRange(player, strucMine.x, strucMine.y, setRange);
if (NotReady)
target = droidTargetInArea(player, player, (strucMine.x - actRange), (strucMine.y - actRange), (strucMine.x + actRange), (strucMine.y + actRange));
if (target != NULLOBJECT)
// Mine layer droids can activate their own mines
if (target.body == Miner[0]) { NotReady= FALSE; }
if (NotReady== FALSE)
testMine = addFeature(Mine, strucMine.x, strucMine.y);
// Encode the mine's type into the feature's health stat
// *** NOTE! *** Mine must not be declared indestructible via WZCK //
if (player == selectedPlayer)
{temp = 10 * count + 8;}
{temp = 10 * count + 3;}
forceDamageObject(testMine, temp);
strucMine = enumStruct();
count = count + 1;
player = player + 1;