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Boards zur Seite => English Board => Thema gestartet von: Kevin am 2003-08-21, 04:40:32

Titel: Virus
Beitrag von: Kevin am 2003-08-21, 04:40:32
I recently recieved a virus through my pumpkin-2 email account.  although It did no damadge to me, someone here may have it, since they send themselves through email contacts.
There are only 2 places on the internet where you could find that email address, this is one of them, and the less likely one.

More information here (, including a link to how to detect the virus if it infected your system.
Titel: Re: Virus
Beitrag von: MaC am 2003-08-21, 09:14:44
Zitat von: Kevin
There are only 2 places on the internet where you could find that email address, this is one of them, and the less likely one.

Ehm, this isn't right.
This Board (phpbb) dont display your email anywhere to the web / to the public.

The only way to display your email, is in the Admin-Control.
And my PC is protected, against Viruses, with:
Norton Anti Virus and
Sygate Personal Firewall PRO

Means, the only Person, who can view your email, is me.

The Programmer of this Board, did this, because lot of people use robots, to scan Board for emails.

If your email is shown here, you postet it by yourself.

If you surf the web, without any firewall and without any virus detection, its your own fault.

Titel: Virus
Beitrag von: speedy am 2003-08-21, 10:04:37
sorry MaC, but he has written his email address in one topic...
Titel: Virus
Beitrag von: MaC am 2003-08-21, 19:42:28
urgs, ok.

now that was my fault ;)
Titel: Virus
Beitrag von: Kevin am 2003-08-26, 05:28:00
The reason I say less likely, and it is very unlikely, is because it is only available here by a person reading the topic, and it wasn't in completely proper form either.
on the other boards it's public.

I didn't actually get infected with the virus, I just recieved it.  It is possible that someone here got it who had the email address.