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Boards zur Seite => English Board => Thema gestartet von: lav_coyote25 am 2003-11-03, 04:07:57

Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: lav_coyote25 am 2003-11-03, 04:07:57
i am just wondering if any of you fellas are having problems with edit world -

ie:  errors when compiling the .wdg
   :  errors when trying to play the map you just compiled both in loading and the crash to desk top.
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: speedy am 2003-11-03, 14:16:00
sorry, lav_coyote, I even haven't installed editworld since my last crashes and that was before 2002...  :lol:

Kreuvf ? Botman ? can you help him ?
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: Botti am 2003-11-03, 18:41:50
Hmmm ... i don't know that error. :?

It has never appeared by me?!?

Have you other/new features or objects in this map?

Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: lav_coyote25 am 2003-11-05, 19:09:05
Zitat von: BotmanGT
Hmmm ... i don't know that error. :?

It has never appeared by me?!?

Have you other/new features or objects in this map?


just a standard map - nothing special - even new map - i was wondering if possible microsoft patch might have screwed this up - i am running xp home - one of the latest patches had to deal with buffer over run in list box and something else - if you installed it - when you start up warzone and tried to click on something ( anything) it did real strange things... oh well i will keep trying...
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: Botti am 2003-11-05, 22:42:37

I have also XP and the Debug-Mode doesn't go under XP.

Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: speedy am 2003-11-05, 22:51:32
debug mode ? warzone debug mode ? sorry, botman, but for me warzone debug mode does work properly...  :D

you can't uninstall that ms crap ? ("security update" - now they sniff your desctop even faster  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
btw, did you know that dsl works only with 70% performance ? And the other 30 % ? reserved for microsoft updates.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: lav_coyote25 am 2003-11-07, 18:00:35
Zitat von: speedy
debug mode ? warzone debug mode ? sorry, botman, but for me warzone debug mode does work properly...  :D

about debug - have you tried the shortcut listed in the debug section of the tutorials -


you can't uninstall that ms crap ? ("security update" - now they sniff your desctop even faster  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


yes you can uninstall some of the MS krap!  ( at least under xp you can.)

btw, did you know that dsl works only with 70% performance ? And the other 30 % ? reserved for microsoft updates.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


i dont have dsl - probably will never have dsl - exactly for that reason...
cable is what i have and its more like 50 50  - 50 for me 50 for MS...  :lol:
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: Kreuvf am 2003-11-07, 18:09:52
Zitat von: speedy

you can't uninstall that ms crap ? ("security update" - now they sniff your desctop even faster  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
btw, did you know that dsl works only with 70% performance ? And the other 30 % ? reserved for microsoft updates.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

But only under winXP..
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: speedy am 2003-11-07, 18:43:55
I thought 2000 too ??!! (but NOT 98 that's true)
Titel: edit world
Beitrag von: Kreuvf am 2003-11-07, 18:59:39
another point for win98