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Boards zur Seite => English Board => Thema gestartet von: ben am 2003-11-21, 16:25:18

Titel: war zone tech tree
Beitrag von: ben am 2003-11-21, 16:25:18
my war zone does not have the technolegies in the tech tree.
i downloaded it and it apears to be an html or exel file and i wold like to know how can i add these technolegies to my game.
i do not know german so i wold gratly appritiate if you can respond me in english.

Titel: war zone tech tree
Beitrag von: speedy am 2003-11-21, 17:37:34
hi ben,
you have to download und use the patch 1.10.
then all of the tech which you find in the techtree will be in skirmish and multiplayer games available!
But note that single player is not affected in any matter !!!!!

Titel: war zone tech tree
Beitrag von: Kreuvf am 2003-11-21, 18:21:58
seems that speedy is right, all the technologies mentioned in the techtree are contained in the patch 1.10.