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Boards zur Seite => English Board => Thema gestartet von: Pardons am 2004-06-05, 11:46:34
I was chatting with RBL-4Nik8r and was able to get some gifts,some maps we can use them for missions or multiplayer.ArticMyst is a very very nice map that can be use for a mission.The other one 0CLbase is a map that is usefull for multiplayer.Just have a look at it .
Many maps wil follow we are now working togheter he is going to improve Germany and Europe .And i wil finish al of the beta maps he didn't finish.
So the map number wil rise 8)
Very good. :shock:
I was on a trip to some relatives so I wasn't active for two/three days.
does language tools from google aren't that good but they are handy when translating a german site to english :roll:
everybody went tripping,first some friends that in know ,than Niker than you ,it's time for me to go also on a trip :shock: