Warum gibs die newst seite nich mehr. Jetzt wollte ich se mir endlich mal angucken, und das ---> is alles was übrig geblieben is.
Das ist eine sehr gute Frage...
Wie es aussieht, ist NEWST zu gross geworden.
Ich werde mich mal dahinter klemmen und gucken, ob sich trozdem der Stuff der auf der NEWST Page zum Download stand irgendwo auftreiben lässt, damit die besucher dieser Site hier die möglichkeit haben, den Stuff zu saugen.
We are still here.
now we are
NEWST is not there anymore. Most members transfered from NEWST to P-2.
1.12 update is close to release so come and check it out sometime.
We are also there for tech help,mods,maps and off course playing the game.
Can we trust the rumours that some of the designer of Warzone2100 are in that team ?
'know you
most of the links on that page doesn't work !
can you update them or get someone to do it ?
Well none of us are programmers from Pumpkin Studios. But we have a lot of stuff made. Our mayor big release at the moment is 1.12
After this we are thinking of releasing at least 1.13 and 1.14
1.12 is is second beta testing and it is looking good. The techtree is different now. Like lancer takes longer to get to make mini pods more fun and stuff like that.
Once NEWST started a campaign4 but never finished it. This week I started working on it again. It may take some while but I hope it is worth it.
Further there aresome never released mod that are very good. Like a real working Z mod. Maybe this one gets released later with some updates and more maps.
All imput would be great and if you got any idea`s of mods or maps or stuff like that we`re happy to hear them.
About the site.
It was made fast so links are bad. There will be a new site up in not to long!
Hope to hear from you soon...