« Antwort #1 am: 2009-05-14, 17:41:02 »
Die englische Readme sagt:
4. Cheats
Like many other games Warzone 2100 features a certain set of cheats that can be used to have an advantage in the singleplayer-campaign and skirmish-games or to just help mod- and map-makers with testing. Cheats do not work in multiplayer- mode (except skirmish).
4.1 Cheat-mode
To be able to use cheats in the first place, you will have to start Warzone 2100 with the option --cheat. While playing, press right shift and backspace simul- taneously. An on-screen message should appear telling you that cheat-mode has been enabled. You can disable it using the same key combination again. Enab- ling/disabling cheat-mode is only possible while playing, not while in the menus.
In der deutschen Readme steht das nicht, weil ich das da bisher noch nicht eingetragen habe.

Bei Problemen immer WZ-Version, Betriebssystem, Prozessor + Architektur, Treiberversionen der Grafiktreiber und Grafikkarte angeben. RAM und Mainboard dürften selten wichtig sein.
Kein Privatsupport, PMs werden ignoriert.