wz |12:50:05: [SDL_main] Using language:
wz |12:50:05: [initialize_ConfigDir] Write dir: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\
wz |12:50:05: [initialize_ConfigDir] Base dir: D:\Warzone 2100\
wz |12:50:05: [SDL_main] Warzone 2100 - Version 2.2.0
fog |12:50:05: [war_SetFog] Visual fog turned OFF
fog |12:50:05: [setRevealStatus] avSetRevealStatus: Setting reveal to ON
main |12:50:05: [SDL_main] initializing
wz |12:50:05: [registry_load] Loading the registry from [directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:05: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:05: [registry_load] Parsing the registry from [directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:05: [setLanguage] Setting language to "System locale" ()
wz |12:50:05: [setLocaleWindows] Requested locale "0"
fog |12:50:05: [war_SetFog] Visual fog turned OFF
fog |12:50:05: [setRevealStatus] avSetRevealStatus: Setting reveal to ON
fog |12:50:05: [avSetStatus] avSetStatus: Setting fog of war ON
texture |12:50:06: [setTextureSize] texture size set to 64
wz |12:50:06: [registry_save] Saving the registry to [directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] We are to write (config) of size 720
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] Successfully wrote to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\\config with 720 bytes
wz |12:50:06: [registry_save] Saving the registry to [directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] We are to write (config) of size 720
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] Successfully wrote to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\\config with 720 bytes
net |12:50:06: [NETinit] NETinit
net |12:50:06: [NETinit] NETPLAY: Init called, MORNIN'
wz |12:50:06: [saveConfig] Writing prefs to registry
wz |12:50:06: [registry_save] Saving the registry to [directory: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\] config
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] We are to write (config) of size 720
wz |12:50:06: [saveFile] Successfully wrote to C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\\config with 720 bytes
wz |12:50:06: [registerSearchPath] registerSearchPath: Registering C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\ at priority 2
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] Cleaning up
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] *** Switching to multiplay mods ***
wz |12:50:06: [registerSearchPath] registerSearchPath: Registering D:/data/ at priority 3
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] Cleaning up
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] *** Switching to multiplay mods ***
wz |12:50:06: [registerSearchPath] registerSearchPath: Registering D:/share/warzone2100/ at priority 4
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] Cleaning up
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] *** Switching to multiplay mods ***
wz |12:50:06: [registerSearchPath] registerSearchPath: Registering D:\Warzone 2100\ at priority 5
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] Cleaning up
wz |12:50:06: [rebuildSearchPath] *** Switching to multiplay mods ***
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] Search paths:
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] [C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\DragonSoul\Eigene Dateien\Warzone 2100 2.2\]
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] [D:\Warzone 2100\mp.wz]
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] [D:\Warzone 2100\]
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] [D:\Warzone 2100\base.wz]
wz |12:50:06: [printSearchPath] [D:\Warzone 2100\sequences.wz]
wz |12:50:06: [scanDataDirs] gamedesc.lev found at D:\Warzone 2100\base.wz
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] OpenGL Vendor : SiS
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] OpenGL Renderer : Xabre VGA / MMX/SSE2 /AGP
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] OpenGL Version : 1.3.0
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] OpenGL Extensions : GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_window_pos GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compile¸há
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] Supported OpenGL extensions:
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 1.2 is supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 1.3 is supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 1.4 is NOT supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 1.5 is NOT supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 2.0 is NOT supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * OpenGL 2.1 is NOT supported!
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * Texture compression is supported.
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * Two side stencil is NOT supported.
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * Stencil wrap is supported.
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * Anisotropic filtering is NOT supported.
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * Rectangular texture is NOT supported.
3d |12:50:06: [screenInitialise] * FrameBuffer Object (FBO) is NOT supported.
wz |12:50:06: [loadLevFile] Loading lev file: gamedesc.lev
wz |12:50:06: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\base.wz] gamedesc.lev
wz |12:50:06: [loadLevFile] Loading lev file: addon.lev
wz |12:50:06: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\mp.wz] addon.lev
fog |12:50:06: [war_SetFog] Visual fog turned OFF
fog |12:50:06: [setRevealStatus] avSetRevealStatus: Setting reveal to ON
texture |12:50:06: [pie_TexInit] pie_TexInit successful - initialized 128 texture pages
texture |12:50:06: [pie_Initialise] Texture compression: Yes
3d |12:50:06: [iV_RenderAssign] iV_RenderAssign: flags 1; xcentre 400; ycentre 300; buffer 00000000
sound |12:50:07: [PrintOpenALVersion] OpenAL Vendor: Creative Labs Inc.
sound |12:50:07: [PrintOpenALVersion] OpenAL Version: 1.1
sound |12:50:07: [PrintOpenALVersion] OpenAL Renderer: Software
sound |12:50:07: [PrintOpenALVersion] available openAL device(s) are: Generic Hardware
sound |12:50:07: [PrintOpenALVersion] available openAL device(s) are: Generic Software
wz |12:50:07: [PlayList_Read] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\] music/music.wpl
sound |12:50:07: [PlayList_Read] Added song track1.ogg to playlist
sound |12:50:07: [PlayList_Read] Added song track2.ogg to playlist
sound |12:50:07: [cdAudio_Open] called(music)
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Succesfully initialized. _glcContext = 1
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Successfully selected font family DejaVu Sans as regular font
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Successfully selected the "Book" font face of font family DejaVu Sans
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Successfully selected font family DejaVu Sans for the bold font
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Successfully selected the "Bold" font face of font family DejaVu Sans
never |12:50:07: [iV_initializeGLC] Finished initializing GLC
main |12:50:07: [frontendInitialise] Initialising frontend : wrf/frontend.wrf
wz |12:50:07: [radarInitVars] Resetting radar zoom to 1.000000
wz |12:50:07: [radarSize] radar=(776,576) tex=(0,0) size=(0,0)
never |12:50:07: [driveInitVars] driveInitVars: Driving
main |12:50:07: [frontendInitialise] frontEndInitialise: loading resource file .....
wz |12:50:07: [resLoad] resLoad: loading [directory: D:\Warzone 2100\mp.wz] wrf/frontend.wrf
wz |12:50:07: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\mp.wz] wrf/frontend.wrf
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] directory: images
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] Current resource directory: images/
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE frontend0.png
never |12:50:07: [loadingScreenCallback] loadingScreenCallback: pause 1997
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE frontend1.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE frontend2.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE frontend3.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE frontend4.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac0.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac1.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac2.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac3.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac4.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMGPAGE intfac5.png
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMG intfac.img
wz |12:50:07: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\base.wz] images/intfac.img
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac0.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac0.png page=1
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac1.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac1.png page=2
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac2.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac2.png page=3
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac3.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac3.png page=4
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac4.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac4.png page=5
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: intfac5.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: intfac5.png page=6
never |12:50:07: [res_parse] file: IMG frontend.img
wz |12:50:07: [openLoadFile] Reading...[directory: D:\Warzone 2100\base.wz] images/frontend.img
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: frontend0.png (512, 512)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: frontend0.png page=7
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: frontend1.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: frontend1.png page=8
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: frontend2.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: frontend2.png page=9
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: frontend3.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: frontend3.png page=10
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] Load texture from resource cache: frontend4.png (256, 256)
texture |12:50:07: [LoadTextureFile] LoadTextureFile: had to upload texture!
texture |12:50:07: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: frontend4.png page=11
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] directory: texpages
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] Current resource directory: texpages/
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-6-features-arizona.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-6 with texture texpages/page-6-features-arizona.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-6 page=12
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-6 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-7-barbarians-arizona.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-7 with texture texpages/page-7-barbarians-arizona.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-7 page=13
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-7 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-8-player-buildings-bases.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-8 with texture texpages/page-8-player-buildings-bases.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-8 page=14
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-8 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-9-player-buildings-bases.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-9 with texture texpages/page-9-player-buildings-bases.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-9 page=15
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-9 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-10-laboratories.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-10 with texture texpages/page-10-laboratories.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-10 page=16
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-10 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-11-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-11 with texture texpages/page-11-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-11 page=17
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-11 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-12-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-12 with texture texpages/page-12-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-12 page=18
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-12 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-13-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-13 with texture texpages/page-13-player-buildings.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-13 page=19
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] scaling down texture page-13 from 256x256 to 64x64
never |12:50:08: [res_parse] file: TEXPAGE page-14-droid-hubs.png
texture |12:50:08: [dataTexPageLoad] adding page page-14 with texture texpages/page-14-droid-hubs.png
texture |12:50:08: [pie_AddTexPage] pie_AddTexPage: page-14 page=20